Thursday, December 13, 2012

High Five For Friday!

It's funny how the closer winter break comes the more I can't wait for Friday's to roll around. 

And with that:
1. Only one more week till Christmas Break! 
Here's to a week of field day, Christmas crafts, school wide PJ day, and The Polar Express!

2. Kids with crazy haircuts! 
He is so ridiculously excited about his hair, it's a shooting star.

3. Free fruit Kyle brought home!
 I love love love blackberries!

 4. Our Christmas tree! 
Those silver ornaments are like ninjas. 
Kyle didn't even know I put them on!

5. The Hobbit
I'm taking Kyle with a bunch of his friends tomorrow. 
It's a part of his Christmas countdown.
He is so excited to go, which is really the only reason I'm excited. 
3 hours just doesn't seem like my idea of a good time.

Linking up with Lauren at From My Grey Desk


  1. Hope you enjoy The Hobbit! I'm excited to see it too! My friend and I just did a Hobbit party in celebration of the movie release. =) It's on my blog if you're interested in checking it out.
    Angie from

  2. Hi there! I'm Hanna! I found your LOVELY blog on the hippity hop!!! Now your newest follower!!! HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!!! You can find me anytime at

    xooxxo Hanna

  3. HAHA I love the haircut! and your tree looks awesome!

  4. Haha. That haircut is the best! You'll have to share how you liked the Hobbit! Found your blog through the blog hop. I'm a new follower. Hope you'll stop by sometime!

