1. This week was what I deemed my first official week of summer.
No obligations, no travel, no anything!
2. My women's bible study is off to a good start.
We're reading through The Power of a Praying Wife.
It has already lead to some great discussions and a new mindset on how to truly pray for your spouse.
3. We finalized vacation plans finally.
I always feel so much better once everything is finalized.
4. I spent a good chunk of my day on Pinterest this week and came away feeling super productive.
Pinning = Productivity?
For real, I found some great things for my classroom for next year!
I can't wait to start making some of the projects I've found.
5. I successfully made ribs in the crockpot this week.
I've always been nervous to try them, but they were on sale this week so I decided now was my best bet.
Not too much going on around here, but I'm okay with that!