Saturday, September 12, 2015

Scarlett Grace: 3 Months

This month we finally figured out that a lot of her tummy problems stemmed from constipation.
Her doctor prescribed her 2oz of prune juice a day and she's a different person!

Scarlett's also gotten herself onto a basic schedule now.
She starts to go down between 7:30 and 8:30 and will sleep 9-10 hours.
Then she eats and goes back down until 7:30 or 8.
She typically eats at 8, 11, and 2. The afternoon doesn't really have a schedule.
She spent a day with Grandma Ria, a day with Daddy, and a day with Nana as I had to go back into work for a few days before school actually started.
She did great and has no problem switching between a bottle and breastfeeding.
Of course that means I've gotten to start pumping at work, which I don't love.

She is growing like crazy and switched into size 2 diapers at 10 weeks thanks to all the diaper explosions!
She started wearing 6 month clothes a few days before she hit 3 months. 
Her pants had been looking like capri's for awhile, 
so I was glad when she finally was able to fit the next size!
She's also started to teeth and wants everything in her mouth. 
Her favorites include, her blanket, fists, and our fingers. 

She started daycare when I went back to work on the 17th. 
She really seems happy there 
and is always smiling at the workers when I drop her off and pick her up.

They can't get her to sleep in a crib there either so right now she's still sleeping in her Rock N Play.
Hopefully we can get her to transition soon. 

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