Sunday, September 27, 2015

Scarlett Grace: 4 Months

 I've been back at work for 6 weeks now, which means Scarlett has been in daycare full time. 
It has helped a lot to get her onto a schedule, but now if she's off her schedule she gets super cranky. 
Scarlett goes down between 6:30 and 7:30 every night. 
She was sleeping until 5:30 or 6, when I woke her up for daycare. 
Unfortunately, she's hit the 4 month sleep regression and wakes up at least once or twice during the night.
We tried transitioning her to the crib, but she was waking up a ton and couldn't be consoled. 
Her pediatrician said to just let her stay in her Rock N Play for now. 

She's still in 6 months clothes and despite eating a ton, she's very skinny. 
We had to start supplementing with formula at daycare because eats three bottles while she's there,
between 6 and 8 oz each. 
I couldn't keep up pumping and was stressing myself out to the point that I was pumping even less. 
Now I can get her three 6oz bottles and if she's still hungry they give her formula. 
She could care less what she's eating or how she's getting it as long as food's getting in her mouth.  

Scarlett has gotten very curious and wants to explore everything. 
She loves all her toys, but doesn't want to be left alone. 
So she spends time in her bouncy chair, swing, high chair, and play mat to be near us. 
She has also started rolling. It was very sporadic at first, but yesterday she finally figured it out and rolls every time she's put on her belly. 

She thinks so many things are funny and we love to make her laugh. 
We're so looking forward to the holiday season with our little one and can't believe how quickly she changes. 

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