One thing I always thought would be cool to do is pick fruit.
Not just from a backyard, but to go to some kind of farm.
Last week, we had off for MLK.
When my mother-in-law mentioned that she was taking my niece strawberry picking I knew I wanted to come!
Kyle and I drove up to a farm not too far from our house.
They not only sold fresh produce, but there were places to pick both strawberries and tomatoes.
It was a really cute place with hay rides, water pump races, and "milking" cows.
We got black buckets and were able to walk through the rows and get strawberries!
Kyle taught our niece that "mutant" berries are best.

We had a great time and were able to come home with lots of yummy strawberries!
I had seen an interesting chocolate strawberry recipe on pinterest that I decided to try.
When you bite into chocolate covered strawberries the chocolate breaks.
This recipe calls for the strawberry to be filled with chocolate.
You hollow out the center of the strawberry.
Then you fill the hollow with chocolate.
They weren't bad in anyway, but you're left with a hard piece of chocolate to bite through.
Any good strawberry recipes?
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Looks like such a fun little trip! I love the cow milking. :-)